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8/17/02 - Alrighty, I've got this "chapter 1" splash thingy up. I think this means i'm trying to commit myself to weekly updates. I think. 8/9/02 - Okay, this is a what i've thrown up as a new site format, even if it's still got  buch of unfinished glitches.  In fact, as i type this, I have yet to convert any of my other pages.  What's worse, is this very newspost - i havent quite figured out how to get this new system to archive proproly, and i don't even know what's going to happen to the old ones - If they do what i think they're going to do, i'm going to have to do some really boring thigns that i don't feel like doing at the moment.  That means part of the Archives might be glitchy for awhile.  Er right.  I'm done filling this space for now, so it's back to work. -- Sean

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