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Stuff? No, Links acctually...
The intent was for the stuff page to have lots of random interseting useless stuff that i've done for some reason or another, but well... i don't have any stuff for you, and if i did, you'd laugh at me. I don't really want you to laugh at me. So for now, i give to you links! Glorious links of ... stuff! And er.... .. ...


Gah. Forget it. Here they are.

Sakanaya - Webcomic of a friend of mine. She keeps calling be brother. It's kinda scary.
Der Wahnsinn - One man rant on everything. Let the mighty George educate you.
Megatokyo - If your into webcomics and you arent influenced by this guy, there's something wrong with you
Penny Arcade - Gamer? You go here.
Real Life - One of my all time favortie webcomics. It's gotta be neck and neck with megatokyo. The artist is a really nice guy to boot.
Google - Just the best dern search engine ever.
Exploitation now - Funny to Serious to morbid to perverted - all in ten seconds!
Ian Comix - Ian. He also does RPGworld. But uhh.. i think iancomix is my fav.


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