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Random Idiocy!

Okay, for some reason, when I was sleeping and working away at making that excuse for a nav bar, i felt the need to call one of the tabs "Random Idiocy." It gave the me then a slight chuckle, but it seems to be causeing problems for the me now, as i need to make good on my graphic. So what's random and idiotic like? Well, i was considering just turning this page over to that scary person who speaks german and looks at people funny, but he did'nt seem to be responding to the interpertive dance I did. Probobly because he's alseep, and halfway across town. I'm sure i'll think of some kind of amusing content, just give me a second here..... hm.... well... this isent as amusing as i'd hoped, but i guess it will have to do...


Okay, certainly not the most idiotic thing in the world, seeing how it's only l33t scrabble in the internet, but hey, gimi a break, i'm trying to update so YOU greedy people can have content that you probobly arent even reading anyways! Andrea found this on her computer shortly after here sister thought she discovred what the whole leet thing was about.  I'm not even sure what it's about, but i understand the "alphabet" better then this.

I've never seen a more complete alphabet. Anywhere. Not even in the english language. Here comes a fun example of how to proproly use l33t speak! (with translation, no less)
j00 |31720r2. j00 4r3 |\|07 |_337!
you suck. you are not cool!
Well... it's something right?

... right?

Fine, Here's something even more stupid.

Idiocy from the Sean
Okay, fine, i admit it, that could have been more amusing. A lot more amusing.  Everybody on this page is probobly wondering why i'm wasting my time trying to amuse you here rather then drawing a comic, i mean, isent that the point of this website anyways? Well silence you! It's rather difficult to draw a webcomic, and it's much easier to type randomly and see what happens. So here's what happens when you don't sleep and go visit your strange friends in gilroy anyways.
Things you ought to know:

Firstly, you really ought to know that this keyboard can blow my
balloon! Yeah! Thta's right! An Ugly purple baloon at that! Also, take
the amount of takos you can fit in a volkswagon into account. "Tako" As
the Japanese or mexican word will not be taken into account. I've been
shushed. Oh for shame. The very shame of my existance for that which is
being shuchsed. Indeed, mispelled, indeed insane, i think that i might
have to eat your left shoe, it looks like it might be very taste-full
with salt. Where do you keepth da salt for that matter? It is essential
to keeping my meats yummy and----yummy, in several indescreet ways, as
sodium is just that important to the well ebing of your flammable paper
cup. WIthout the egg, the cup will die without ever truly being born,
break the glass, for the revolution of the slot machine!
Barahahahahaha.... A rose... A rose.... a rose a rose a rose.... a
single partiucular white rose will shatter in your face, sleep you will,
sniffle it you must, and in the end, it will be you who's chest i will
pull the sword from, afterwards, the sword will cut a sandwich, and it
is this sandwich, my friend, that will determine the fate o Fphilonick,
whom lives on the fourth tooth on the right side of the bottom half of
your jaw. He's a typicly friendly little bacteria, and he'd really like
some sandwich about know. Get eating, or he'll be sad. You don't want
him to be sad, do you?


Secondly, don't leave home without a towel.
Well, i think that speaks for itself, now doesent it?


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