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They call this a FAQ.  A lot of websites that don't need them have them. This is one of those websites.
Q:Um.. who are you and why are you wasting space on a perfectly good server?
A: I'm Sean. I'm not quite sure how i got here, but somewhere on the internet several months ago, some form asked me for my name, adress, shoe size, and a bunch of other strange stuff, and in the end of it, they gave me this place to type things and do stuff. It's kinda neat.
Q: Wait, what?
A: Comics. I draw comics.
Q:So you draw comics.... are they about anything?
A: Er.. supposed to be. See, i keep mentioning this "Storyline thing," but i can't seem to use it. This may be because the fact that the guy who wrote it refuses to belive in the word "plot," insisting that a plot is only the sound that eggs make when you drop them on the floor. This makes working out a story very difficult, and sometimes just plain confusing. Last time we ended up with playdough all over the roof. So uhh... filler content is my new best friend.
A: Yeah, it's this blue stuff. Or green. Sometimes it's green.
Q: Why does it take the navbar such a dern long time to load
A: Ya know, i really ought to look into that. It's probbobly because the file is too big and i'm such a big dummie i don't care right now.
Q:Why don't the all the images load sometimes?
A: Have you ever looked behind your computer? Often the problem is this purple little guy called floyde. Floyde likes to sit behind peoples computers and slowly suck all the blue smoke out with a straw. Everybody knows if you lose blue smoke somethings wrong with your computer. Thanks to our little buddie floyde, non-loading images can't possilby be our fault, therefor, it's your problem. We suggest a turkey sandwich, dill pickles, and a tiny bit of peanut butter.
Q: Are you just stupid, or what.
A: Yes....wait.........no.
Q: Are you ever going to update the comic?
A: Summertime. As soon as school gets out, we expect things to be mid-swing, and then in full swing shortly after that.
Q:Can i be in your comic?
A: Do you know what Sconcha is? 
uhhh... what?
No. You can't be in my comic. 


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